

Important announcements from the NEP


Advance Ruling

Auction And Destruction And Disposal Of Goods Not Releasable

Authorised Economic Operator

Benefits For Diplomats And Privileged Persons

Bonded Warehouse

Classification And Tariff Issues

Conditions Governing Export

Conditions Governing Imports

Customs Issues In EPZs/EZs

Customs Valuation

Dispute Settlement

Documents And Formalities For Export

Documents And Formalities For Import

Duty Free Import/minimal Rate Goods

Export Cum Import

Fees And Charges For Customs Services

Import Of Goods Having IPRs


Motor Vehicles- Import And Assessment

Offences And Penalties

Passenger And Baggage Information

Private ICD/off-dock/CFS

Refunds And Duty Drawback

Temporary Importation

Trade Incentives (e.g. Cash Incentives, Duty Drawback Etc)

Trade Through Lc Stations/border Hatts