Operative Tariff

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HS Code Description CD SD VAT AIT RD AT
02089010 Fresh,Chilled Or Frozen Meat And Edible Offal, Wrapped/Canned upto 2.5 kg 25 0 15 5 3 5 For Total Tax Incidence
32089010 Paints & Varnishes Imp.by B.Biman,Flying Club,Concern Govt.Dept.& VAT Regd.Mfg... 25 20 15 5 3 5 For Total Tax Incidence
72089010 F./h-rolled.. Imp. by Ind.IRC VAT Compliant Tranf. and prod. of Ch-72,73 Manf. Ind. 10 0 15 5 0 5 For Total Tax Incidence