Operative Tariff

Search by HS Code or Description

HS Code Description CD SD VAT AIT RD AT
04049000 Products Consisting Of Natural Milk Constituents, Nes 25 0 15 5 3 5 For Total Tax Incidence
54049000 OTH. SYNTHETIC MONOFILAMENT OF 67 DECITEX OR MORE... (EXCL. MONOFILAMENT) 10 0 15 5 0 5 For Total Tax Incidence
84049000 parts of 8401 to 8404 1 0 15 5 0 5 For Total Tax Incidence
94049000 Articles Of Bedding, Stuffed, Etc (Excl. Mattresses And Sleeping Bags) 25 0 15 5 3 5 For Total Tax Incidence