Operative Tariff

Search by HS Code or Description

HS Code Description CD SD VAT AIT RD AT
09021000 Green Tea,Whether Or Not Flavoured, In Immediate Packings <=3 Kg 25 20 15 5 3 5 For Total Tax Incidence
39021000 Polypropylene, In Primary Forms 5 0 15 5 0 5 For Total Tax Incidence
49021000 Newspapers, Journals And Periodicals, Appearing At Least 4 Times A Week 5 0 0 0 0 5 For Total Tax Incidence
59021000 Tyre Cord Fabric Of High Tenacity Yarn Of Nylon Or Other Polyamides 5 0 15 5 0 5 For Total Tax Incidence
69021000 Refractory Bricks, Blocks, Tiles..., >50% Mgo, Cao, Cr2o3 1 0 15 5 0 5 For Total Tax Incidence